Our Story

My name is Marcia Rohrbach, better known as The Lunch Lady. We specialize in Made from Scratch Southern Home Cooking. I can’t remember there ever not being a time in my life where I wasn’t cooking or baking. I loved being in the kitchen with my mom. Learning and absorbing everything I could to be a good chef. I am sure there were times that I annoyed her, but she would never tell me that. She was the best mom ever.

An opportunity came to me to cater in the oilfield which in turn led to the opening of my restaurant in Kilgore, TX. After 2 short (long) years the decision was made to close the restaurant. Here I am seven years later working out of the commercial building which was built by my family on our property. I always knew I wanted to be in the food industry, God just had to take me down a path of learning and growing before he BLESSED me with such an amazing catering business.

Thank you for entrusting Lunch Lady Catering to take care of your catering needs. We appreciate your continued support for my small business! We love our community and the love you have shown us over the years.

Marcia Rohrbach, Owner